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Amazon Kindle - The Best Travel Gadget

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Amazon Kindle - The Best Travel Gadget 

If you're a page-turning indulgent reader, you have struggled packing books when traveling as I have. I’m guilty of packing a few, especially for long flights. My sister and I still joke about the debacle of our journey across Scandinavia where I carried five books in my backpack. With no elevators and constant uphills, you can imagine bad decisions were made. I resisted buying the Kindle for a long time - thinking that a device will never be better than a physical book. But one day, I decided for the sake of my back, to buy the Kindle. Best decision ever!



Enter Kindle: the perfect solution for travelers or any avid reader. This oh-so-convenient device is ultra lightweight and petite. I pack it in my carry–on, use it while lounging on the beach with an umbrella (sun protection is always a must), and the usual train ride en route to a French village. Kindle is a must for everyone! This gadget has become my favorite travel companion, especially when I dine alone (a lifesaver for those who suffer from anxiety while eating solo.) I don’t know why it took me so long to get it. Maybe I was holding on to my love of physical books but with a nomadic lifestyle, who has space for books? Alas, I am wholly embracing the art of Kindle will travel. 

Built-in Light

Say goodbye to eyestrain. The built-in light of the Kindle doesn't strain your eyes like many back-lit tablets. You could read for hours comfortably on long flights and without disturbing your neighbor. My favorite part? The no-glare screen. As someone that enjoys reading by the beach, the no-glare screen is one of the Kindle's best features. 

Battery Life

With constant use from one full charge, the Kindle's battery lasted three weeks - you can extend the battery life when switched to flight mode. Yes, weeks! If I'm traveling for two weeks or less, the charger will be one thing less to worry about!

Out of all the Kindles that Amazon offers, I bought the Kindle Voyage after carefully researching features and comparisons - sadly it has been discontinued. The Kindle Voyages is a tad lighter than PaperWhite, the built-in light automatically adjust to the environment, and you can turn pages back and forward by applying extra pressure on the sides. At the time of my purchase, the Kindle Oasis was already out, but it was $80 more expensive. Update: The new Kindle PaperWhite is waterproof and comes with a hip of new features.


The Kindle Voyage has earned a permanent spot in my carry-on bag. Tell me, what do you prefer? Kindle or physical books?